Jurassic Fibre Sucks

Lets start this story from the beginning.

There is a fibre company who plans to run Fibre to the Property into Crewkerne. I work in Crewkerne and had an ambition to have FTTP (Fibre to the Property) at work. We only have FTTC (Fibre to the Cabinet) which limits us to 80Mb/s down and 20Mb/s up.

Let's go back to 2021.


So, I register my Interest and receive nothing... Until a year later!

The First Email 05/02/2022

5th January 2022.
1st date is Mid 2022!

Peter from *** <peter@.com>
21 Sept 2022, 13:11
to Adam
Hi Adam,
I'm just curious about how things are progressing.
I've seen the Jurrasic Fibre vans around Crewkerne and I'm really hoping and waiting.
Is there a better ETA on when the infrastructure is going to be ready?Regards

So, I saw Van's! But, what did I get as a response?

Adam Adam.xxx@jurassic-fibre.com
26 Sept 2022, 09:24
to Peter
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your email. I have had a quick look and this is what the system said:
First Order Date :
January 31, 2023
Feel free to contact me again before this date.
Kind regards,

2nd date is 31st January 2023 (1 full year from first email)

So, we got back and forth for a while...

-> 4th January 2023
<- 4th January 2023
Still the 2nd Date!

-> 23rd January 2023
<- 25th January 2023
3rd date is 31st March 2023

-> 27th March 2023
<- 27th March 2023
Still the 3rd date!

-> 2nd May 2023
<- 5th May 2023
1 Street Away!

-> 8th June 2023
<- 12th June 2023
4th date is 30th June 2023

-> 11th July 2023
No Response
-> 20th July 2023
<- 20th July 2023
1 Street Away!

-> 16th August 2023
<- 17th August 2023
Very Sorry, try again next month...

-> 19th September 2023

Your message to Adam.xxx@jurassic-fibre.com couldn't be delivered.
Adam.xxx wasn't found at jurassic-fibre.com.

That was it... The last time I spoke to Adam was August 2023. We had exchanged 9 emails over 7 months.
I attempted to call his mobile, but, just straight to voicemail and what's the point in trying to leave a message for someone to ignore.

At this time I was ignored by Jurassic Fibre.
I sent 3 emails.
-> 19th September 2023
-> 28th September 2023
-> 14th November 2023
No response from contactus or sales...

I called them up on the 19th of December 2023, they told me that they were restructuring and they weren't working on installing any new fibre... Didn't seem to care about ignoring emails.....

So, Am I going to get Fibre at work?

BT was putting their prices up...

I called Jurassic Fibre up on the 28th March 2024 at 14:22
I was told flat out, they weren't going to install fibre to business customers and nobody knew when or why. Only Residential.

Jurassic Fibre only supports Residential.

Probably because they don't trust their network for Business Use.Appalling customer service, don't answer emails, absolute horrendous company.

What is the likely hood of another Broadband company coming into Crewkerne?
Highly Unlikely.
Even if this horrendous company decides to start accepting business customers?
Who could trust them after this?!

I feel sorry for anyone who is stuck with this company.
I think TalkTalk can do better than them and they get the lowest rating everywhere.

Adam, you were great, hopefully you left after experiencing the shit show and weren't fired.

Fuck Jurassic Fibre, thanks for being 1 street away, then changing to Residential Only. I wonder if that is actually allowed?!

Ultrafast Business Fibre Broadband | Jurassic Fibre
We believe your business deserves reliable broadband, no matter where it’s based. Explore our ultrafast business fibre broadband packages.

Oh, they are still showing on their website they offer Business Broadband...

Maybe I do have an Ofcom complaint?!

Update 07/05/2024 - Looks like they have removed the Business Fibre Broadband from their website...