Somewhere to place my thoughts

This is just going to be a blog to place random thoughts and things.

This will be about life, technology and everything in-between.

I'm a Web Developer, Windows, Linux and Network Administrator.
I've built, destroyed, repaired, cleaned and fixed Computers, Servers and Game Consoles.

My current projects include:

Rebuilding Xerox DC240/250 Bustles
Rebuilding Xerox WorkCentre 7855 Bustles
Making an FreePBX / Asterisk VOIP server to save money
Building a business on the side to sell less popular stock to see if they are useful to people
Building a couple of new PC's for Work.
Building a New Server that is hopefully going to be hosted on 900MB/s broadband that will replace me paying so much for my hosting.
Moaning about Shady Companies that contact us.
Rebuild Xerox Printers for testing
Play some VR Games
Finding Friends to play Satisfactory with.
Setting up a Satisfactory Server (When it's finally released)
Getting a Prusa i3 MK3S up and running
Build OPNSense on a NanoPi R2S with FreeBSD.
Play Games