Jurassic Fibre Sucks

Lets start this story from the beginning. There is a fibre company who plans to run Fibre to the Property into Crewkerne. I work in Crewkerne and had an ambition to have FTTP (Fibre to the Property) at work. We only have FTTC (Fibre to the Cabinet) which limits us…

Expired Domain

Well, what a horrendous domain provider. If I hadn't been watching a domain, we would have never of known it had expired! The domain provider had gladly emailed to say that it was due to expire on the 19th October. Sent an email to get a Transfer Code…

Berry Telecom

At the beginning, there was a telephone call. We got the usual, we can save you money, we can combine your broadband and VOIP services into one. So, after keeping on getting these calls... I agreed to an appointment. On the 17th August, a guy drove all the way down…