Xerox EX-i V180 Embedded Fiery

Xerox EX-i V180 Embedded Fiery

Let's just say, I've been fighting with this machine.
It's been an absolute headache.
I have spent 2 nights trying to fix it.

Sunday 1st September 2024
I see there are 2 updates to do for the Fiery, Service Pack 2 and something else.
Right, fantastic, I'll nip into work, I'll get it updated and then it's all sorted for Monday!

How wrong was I?!

As it turns out, I needed an updated Fiery API to be able to updated to install Service Pack 2. I had no API version and it wouldn't update.

This is how it's supposed to look.

So, I spent hours, re-flashing the Fiery, getting it back to 1.2 and then updating it.

I started about 4 pm until 6 pm. By that point, I had it updating to the latest version!
At about 10 pm, I logged in remotely and thought, I'll do a Backup! Just incase I need to restore anything, lets do a Backup to the Hard Drive and leave it to it.

It's going to take 25 - 35 minutes!

I think nothing of it and carry on with my life.

Monday 2nd September 2024

Got into work in the morning, started by turning everything on and getting everything up and running for the week.
For some strange reason, the Bustle (Embedded Fiery) wouldn't come alive.

It took me 6 hours on Monday to get our Xerox Versant 180 up and functional.

Turns out, the Video Interface Card needed to be reseated.
I gave the Bustle a bloody good clean out on Sunday, blew all the dust and grime away.

VX600 Video Board (Video Interface Card)

Look, this is the one thing you don't mess around with in your Fiery.

Fiery® EFI 2014 Vx600 Video Card for the Xerox® Versant™ 2100 3100 45115031
Genuine vx600 video card to repair your Xerox® Versant™ Fiery® EFI. MachinesXerox® Versant™ 2100Xerox® Versant™ 3100Part Numbers45115031Quantity / Box1 x Vx600 video card pwb pcb per carton.DriversXerox® Versant® 80 2100 DriversSupport & DriversXerox® Versant® 80 2100 Support & DriversBrochuresXerox® Versant® 80 2100 Product Brochures

So, let's just say if this is damaged... £1,824.00 + VAT. That's if you can get one!

So, about 3 pm I had this thing back up and operational, after re-flashing it more than 3 times. That was a horrible day after all the time I spent on Sunday!


I just updated it to the latest version, which stopped just before Service Pack 2.
Thought I would do it Tuesday night and everything will be OK.


So, after getting it all up and running, I thought, I will do a backup to USB this time..
You know. Just incase something happens, I will have a restore point where I don't have to start from 1.2, do the Fiery API update, then 26 updates to get up to the latest version.....

USB Backup!

Whilst I was invoicing, I started this. Same as the Hard Drive Backup, it's going to take 25-35 minutes! Perfect, get a backup, save it and all I have to do is stick that USB in and I'm back where I was!

How wrong I was.

After 33 minutes, the Fiery came up. Proudly displayed.

Backup operation successful at Wednesday, September 04, 2024 06:47:07 PM.

That's when it started Booting up, Saying everything was OK.... FF and then off.


So, let's see what I tried....

  1. Restore the Image I just created
  2. Restore the Original 1.2 Image
  3. Restore the Original 1.2 Image
  4. Re-seat the CPU
  5. Re-seat the Video Interface Card
  6. Restore the Original 1.2 Image
  7. Pull the Machine Apart! Heatsink, CPU, RAM, Video Interface, PSU, Every Cable on that Moterboard...
  8. Restore the Original 1.2 Image
If you plug a Monitor into the Fiery, Working Fiery only shows those 3 messages.

I had a Monitor plugged into it and watching it every time I would so something hoping something would change.

I was at work until 11:30 pm and just kept getting that fucking "Power down." message.

Nothing before, No reason for it, just. Boot, FF, 00, FF, Off. Boot, FF, 00, Off.

So, In Xerox Engineer talk, if you ask them what "FF" means, "Fully Fucked" usually comes up.
Now, FF can be so many things, it's just a general error code.

"00" displays when the Fiery is online and operational. Everything OK!


Right, I went home, right to bed and woke up the next day. Went in about 10 pm after the night before...

After thinking about it and going through everything.

Seagate Barracuda 500GB 2.5" SATA HDD

I stuck a brand new hard disk drive in it.

Re-flashed the Original 1.2 Image

Fiery Web Interface

It came back to life!

It booted!

So, the Versant was back and operational again!

Started by just updating the API.

The only way to do this is by getting the "Fiery Integration Manager"

Fiery Integration Manager

As you can see, it works about as well as usual... Crashing into Oblivion.

But, It did it!

Fiery API update

Then that evening, I set it to do the 26 updates and left at a reasonable time.


No patches available

I had it back up to date!

I then calibrated the printer as I had formatted this thing more times than I dare to count and I replaced the hard disk drive.

Holy Crap... It works, It's stable and It doesn't crash the Printer.

Yeah, every morning we would get in and find our Versant crashed with
Fault Code 045-360, 045-361, 045-362, 045-363

Fault Code 045-360, 045-361, 045-362, 045-363: Communication Error Fault and the CX Creo Color Print Server Will Not Re-establish a Connection

It looks like, it was the Bustle would crash overnight, which would crash the printer, the Fiery would reboot, but the Printer would just stay on the Red Error Screen...

It's a problem with your Fiery!!!

I started a Wiki page which I will update?! Maybe?

EX-i V180 - SquareComp Wiki

My Wiki Page about the EX-i V180

I got so annoyed, I retyped all the Error Codes and changed when I solved the issue..

EX-i V180 ErrorCodes - SquareComp Wiki

So, that was my week...

You know. Always something different.

Update Monday 9th September 2024

Well, it did it again today. Once again 9am, Power On, FF, 00, FF, Off.

I left it till I could be bothered with it...

I mean, what do I do? Do I pull it all apart, do I rip it's heart out, do I throw it out a Window?

I don't know what made me do it, but I took the side of the case off, I re-seated the Video Card, then left the side of the Case Off...........


What is Broken?

Well, look at that... The CPU Fan isn't running... No wonder it's just been powering off, that damn CPU has been cooking itself.

I thought the Fan was toast, but, you know, I swapped the CPU_FAN and SYS_FAN around and boom, it spins!

I had to clean the Thermal Compound off and reapply as it has destroyed it with heat, but... Since then... It's stable!


So, the hard disk drive was OK! I mean, it was from 2017, It had seen a lot of work, there was no harm in replacing it.

But, the damn CPU was overheating all the time... Thanks EFI, where is the error code? Surely you must know because the OS emits "Power Down" message...

If in doubt, run it with the side of the case off!

I think this finally puts the issue to bed.